Care Packages

Blog Series

December 12, 2022

Support (verb): To hold up or add strength literally or figuratively. To advocate, assist or help. Operation Gratitude’s partners and...

August 12, 2022

Every week, we hear from enthusiastic people across the country, like you, who want to join us on the journey...

July 25, 2022

In March of 2003, a soldier came into the office asking for a chaplain and broke down at her desk. He was on leave from a war zone for his mother’s funeral, his wife had left him, and his only child had died as an infant—he had no one else in his life.

June 23, 2022

For Deployed Troops, sometimes reminders of home can be few and far between, so letters and Care Packages from people who care are tremendously valuable and can help reduce the stress of a tough deployment and being far from home.

April 25, 2019

Operation Gratitude was recently featured on CBS Los Angeles news. The segment featured our mission and shed light on the...

October 6, 2018

Three weeks ago on the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, dozens of First Responders from Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office...

August 23, 2018

As the mother of a U.S. Marine, I have a lot of experience sending care packages. Over the years I’ve...