handmade with love
Every Handmade With Love item is an expression of deep appreciation for the service and sacrifice of our recipients.
Collection Drives
Our signature Care Packages are filled with donated items from grateful Americans and corporations. Show your support for our heroes by organizing a collection drive in your community, and help create “the best Care Packages ever.”
Letter Writing
Writing a letter is a simple and meaningful way for volunteers nationwide to say "Thank You" to all who serve. As little as five minutes of your day could bring lasting joy to a Care Package recipient.
Operation Gratitude includes handwritten letters in every Care Package send to our Deployed Troops, Recruit Graduates, Veterans, Wounded Heroes, and First Responders.
Paracord Lanyards
By taking the time to craft a paracord lanyard, you are providing a hero with a tangible, lasting expression of your gratitude, and a symbol of the appreciation of grateful Americans everywhere.
Beanie Babies
Each year Operation Gratitude receives thousands of Beanie Babies from grateful Americans across the country, and one goes in every single Care Package we send to service members deployed around the world.
Project Pillowcase
Our troops, who have bravely sacrificed their comfort so we may live freely, are not always deployed with bedding. We need the exceptional sewing skills of our nationwide network of Volunteers to create handmade pillowcases for our troops to sleep on each night.
And as a bonus, they can also use them as a laundry bag!

Cents For Service
Looking for a fun and creative way to show your support to our nation’s heroes?
Our Cents for Service project is a great way to get your whole community involved. Collect and donate loose change to help send Care Packages to our military and first responders.