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Should I include a note with my handmade items?

Yes!! The note can be as simple as “handmade with love” and we encourage you to add your first name and email address in case the recipient would like to send you a thank you note. If you are uncomfortable using your own email address, please use info@operationgratitude and include your full name so we can let you know we have heard from a recipient.

Please understand that we can not guarantee that you’ll receive a reply, but we hope that you’ll give the recipient a chance to thank you!

If you are including a note with your handmade items, please roll/insert them into your item. DO NOT attach your notes to your handmade items and please do not use any type of pins.

Please do not use cards for your notes and use regular paper instead. Cards do not roll well and will end up damaged. Please be sure that your note is not visible when rolled into your item or it could be damaged during processing.

For additional information please send an email to